

The audioProgramme is the top level element in the ADM structure. An audioProgramme represents an entire programme, or a version of a programme. A file can contain more than one audioProgramme, though it is recommended that they are all different versions of the same programme (e.g. different language versions), rather than completely different programmes.

An audioProgramme element references one or more audioContent elements that are combined to create a full programme. It contains start and end times for the programme, which can be used for alignment with video times. Loudness metadata is also included to allow the programme’s loudness to be recorded. There is also provision to include information about the dimensions of the screen used in production, should it be required (obviously not for audio only productions).

When more than one audioProgramme is included in a file, and there is no other information to decide which one to choose for playback, then the default audioProgramme is the one with the lowest ID value.


In the example below, the programme called "Documentary" is set with a start time of 00:10:00.00000 and an end time of 00:40:00.00000. It contains three audioContent sub-elements, loudness and reference screen metadata.

<audioProgramme audioProgrammeID="APR_1001"
                start="00:10:00.00000" end="00:40:00.00000">
     <screenCentrePosition X="0.0" Y="1.0" Z="0.2"/>
     <screenWidth X="0.3"/>


Attribute Description Example Required
audioProgrammeId ID of the programme APR_1001 Yes
audioProgrammeName Name of the programme My Programme Yes
audioProgrammeLanguage Language of the programme en Optional
start Start time of the programme 00:10:00.00000 Optional
end End time of the programme 00:11:00.00000 Optional
maxDuckingDepth Maximum of allowed ducking Optional


 Sub-element Description Example Quantity
audioContentIDRef Reference(s) to audioContent(s) ACO_1001 1...*
loudnessMetadata Measured loudness of the programme 0 or 1
audioProgrammeReferenceScreen Specification of a reference/production/monitoring screen size for the audioProgramme. If the reference screen-size is not given, a default screen-size is implicitly defined. 0 or 1


Element Description Type Quantity
aspectRatio Aspect radio of reference screen float 0 or 1
screenCentrePosition Position of the centre of the screen screenCentrePositionType 0 or 1
screenWidth Width of the screen screenWidthType 0 or 1


Attribute Description Type Required
azimuth Azimuth of the centre of the screen float No
elevation Elevation of the centre of the screen float No
distance Distance of the centre of the screen float No
X X position of the centre of the screen float No
Y Y position of the centre of the screen float No
Z Z position of the centre of the screen float No


Attribute Description Type Required
azimuth Azimuth measure of screen width float No
X X measure of screen width float No