audioChannelFormat - Objects


An audioChannelFormat represents a single sequence of audio samples on which some action may be performed, such as movement of an object, which is rendered in a scene. It is sub-divided in the time domain into one or more audioBlockFormats.

The typeDefinition described here is for the 'Objects' type, which is used for object-based audio where the position of the audio object may change dynamically. As well as the coordinates of the object, there are parameters for the object’s size, and whether it is a diffuse or coherent sound.

The other types of audioChannelFormats are:

The channelLock parameter will inform a renderer to send the object’s audio to the nearest speaker or channel, rather than the usual panning, interpolation, etc. The jumpPosition parameter will ensure the renderer does not perform any temporal interpolation of the position values, so the object will jump in space rather than move smoothly to the next position.

The position elements use the coordinate attribute to specify which axis is used. The primary coordinate system is the Polar coordinate system, which uses azimuth, elevation and distance axes. However, it is possible to specify other axes for other coordinates such as X, Y and Z for the Cartesian coordinate system. This is described in more detail here.


<audioChannelFormat audioChannelFormatID="AC_00031003"
                    typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects">
  <audioBlockFormat audioBlockFormatID="AB_00031003_00000001" rtime="00:00:00.00000" duration="00:00:02.00000">
    <position coordinate="X">0.8</position>
    <position coordinate="Y">-0.7</position>
    <position coordinate="Z">0.8</position>
    <channelLock maxDistance="0.4">1</channelLock>
    <objectDivergence azimuthRange="20">0.4</objectDivergence>
    <jumpPosition interpolationLength="0.03">1</jumpPosition>
      <zone minX="-1.0" maxX="-0.7" minY="-1.0" maxY="1.0" minZ="-1.0" maxZ="1.0">LeftSide</zone>
      <zone minX="0.7" maxX="1.0" minY="-1.0" maxY="1.0" minZ="-1.0" maxZ="1.0">RightSide</zone>


The common audioChannelFormat attributes are used for the typeDefinition 'Objects'.


The common audioChannelFormat sub-elements are used for the typeDefinition 'Objects'.


In addition to the common audioBlockFormat attributes the following sub-elements are defined for the audioBlockFormat with typeDefinition 'Objects'.


Some of the sub-elements depend upon whether polar or Cartesian coordinates are used, while some are common to both systems.

For polar coordinates

Sub-element Attribute Description Units Example Quantity Default
position coordinate=“azimuth” azimuth “theta” of sound location Degrees (−180 ≤ theta ≤ 180) −22.5 1
position coordinate=“elevation” elevation “phi” of sound location Degrees (−90 ≤ phi ≤ 90) 5.0 1
position coordinate=“distance” distance “r” from origin  abs(r) 0.9 0 or 1 1.0
width  horizontal extent Degrees 45 0 or 1 0.0
height  vertical extent Degrees 20 0 or 1 0.0
depth distance extent Ratio 0.2 0 or 1 0.0
Sub-element objectDivergence
Attribute azimuthRange
Description Adjusts the balance between the object’s specified position and two other positions specified by the azimuthRange value (symmetrical on both sides of the object at the object’s position +/– azimuthRange). A value of 0 for the objectDivergence means no divergence.
Units 0 to 1.0 for objectDivergence, 0.0 to 180.0 (angle) for azimuthRange
Example 0.5 (objectDivergence), 60.0 (azimuthRange)
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0.0 (objectDivergence), 45.0 (azimuthRange)
Sub-element zoneExclusion
Description Indicates which speaker/room zones the object should not be rendered through.
Sub-element zone
Sub-sub-element zone (Polar)
Attributes minElevation, maxElevation, minAzimuth, maxAzimuth
Description Specifies the circular projection onto the sphere for spherical coordinates. Multiple zone elements can be used to specify more complex exclusion shapes.
Units -180 to 180 float for the spherical azimuth attribute and –90 to 90 float for the spherical elevation attribute. String for a label to describe the exclusion zone
Example maxElevation=30, minElevation=-30, minAzimuth=-30, maxAzimuth=30. “Centre front"
Quantity 1..*

For Cartesian coordinates

Sub-element Attribute Description Units Example Quantity Default
position coordinate=“X” left/right dimension Normalized Units −0.2 1 -
position coordinate=“Y” back/front dimension Normalized Units 0.1 1 -
position coordinate=“Z” bottom/top dimension Normalized Units −0.5 0 or 1 0.0
width - X-width Normalized Units 0.03 0 or 1 0.0
depth - Y-width Normalized Units 0.05 0 or 1 0.0
height - Z-width Normalized Units 0.07 0 or 1 0.0
Sub-element objectDivergence
Attribute positionRange
Description Adjusts the balance between the object’s specified position and two other positions specified by the positionRange value (symmetrical on both sides of the object at the object’s position +/– positionRange along the X-axis). A value of 0 for the objectDivergence means no divergence.
Units 0.0 to 1.0 for objectDivergence, 0.0 to 1.0 for positionRange
Example 0.5 (objectDivergence), 0.25 (positionRange)
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0.0 (objectDivergence), 0.0 (positionRange)
Sub-element zoneExclusion
Description Indicates which speaker/room zones the object should not be rendered through.
Sub-element zone
Sub-sub-element zone (Cartesian)
Attributes minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ
Description Specifies the corner points of a cuboid in the 3D space that will be excluded from rendering for Cartesian coordinates. Multiple zone elements can be used to specify more complex exclusion shapes.
Units –1.0 to 1.0 float for each Cartesian attribute. String for a label to describe the exclusion zone
Example minX=–1.0, maxX=1.0, minY=–1.0, maxY=0.0, minZ=–1.0, maxZ=1.0, “Rear half”
Quantity 1..*

For all coordinate systems

Sub-element cartesian
Description Specifies coordinate system, if the flag is set to 1 the Cartesian coordinates and otherwise spherical coordinates are used.
Units 1/0 flag
Example 1
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0
Sub-element gain
Description Apply a gain to the audio in the object.
Units linear gain value
Example 0.5
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 1.0
Sub-element diffuse
Description Describes the diffuseness of an audioObject (if it is diffuse or direct sound)
Units 1/0 flag
Example 0.5
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0
Sub-element channelLock
Attribute maxDistance
Description If set to 1 a renderer can lock the object to the nearest channel or speaker, rather than normal rendering. The optional maxDistance attribute defines the radius of a sphere around the object’s position. If one or more speakers exist in the defined sphere or on its surface, the object snaps to the nearest speaker. If maxDistance is undefined, a default value of infinity is assumed, meaning that the object should snap to the nearest of all speakers (unconditioned channelLock).
Units 1/0 flag
Example 1 (channel Lock), 0.1 (maxDistance)
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0 (channel Lock), infinity (maxDistance)
Sub-element jumpPosition
Attribute interpolationLength
Description If jumpPosition is set to 1 the position will change instantly from the previous block’s position. If set to 0 then interpolation of the position will take the entire length of the block. If the interpolationLength attribute is used, and the jumpPosition value is 1, then the interpolation will take as long as the specified value. The interpolation length should be shorter or equal than the block’s duration.
Units 1/0 flag for jumpPosition, seconds (5d.p) for interpolationLength
Example 1 (jumpPosition), 0.05125 (interpolationLength)
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0 for jumpPosition
Sub-element screenRef
Description Indicates whether the object is screen-related (flag is equal to 1) or not (flag is equal to 0)
Units 1/0 flag
Example 0
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 0
Sub-element importance
Description Importance of an object.
Units 0 to 10
Example 10
Quantity 0 or 1
Default 10