audioPackFormat (Binaural)

The audioPackFormat with typeDefinition 'Binaural' is used for binaural audio. The audioPackFormat definitions with the 'Binaural' type are already defined in the Common Definitions, so they do not need to be defined explicitly when generating ADM metadata.


There are no additional attributes defined for the audioPackFormat with typeDefinition 'Binaural'. See Common Attributes for the list of common ones.


There are no additional sub-elements defined for the audioPackFormat with typeDefinition 'Binaural'. See Common Sub-elements for a list of the possible sub-elements. Even though they are defined as a common sub-elements, the absoluteDistance and audioPackFormatIDRef sub-elements are unlikely to be used in the 'Binaural' mode.


<audioPackFormat audioPackFormatID="AP_00050001"
                 typeLabel="0005" typeDefinition="Binaural">